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A CDC Error May Have Exposed a Technician to Ebola

| December 25, 2014 Comment

A CDC error may have exposed a technician to Ebola – A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention technician may have been exposed to live Ebola virus after a laboratory error discovered on Tuesday.

The CDC will also check whether other employees were exposed to the virus and will monitor the exposed technician for 21 days, the length of the disease’s incubation period. The exposed technician was reportedly wearing a smock and gloves, but no facial mask.

A CDC lab that handles live Ebola in Atlanta, Georgia, sent samples of the disease to a different CDC lab on Monday. Those samples were supposed to contain “inactivated” Ebola, according to The New York Times.

But the samples may have contained live Ebola, something the second lab is not equipped to handle.


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