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ADHD Lifestyle Tips for Kids

| June 30, 2014 Comment

ADHD Lifestyle Tips for Kids – How can you help your child manage her ADHD symptoms so that she can focus in school, complete homework, and do chores at home? Watch this video to learn more about ADHD lifestyle tips for kids.

Expert: Jeffrey Gardere, PhD


Stimulants and psychotherapy IMPROVE symptoms of ADHD tremendously, but making LIFESTYLE changes will minimize the negative effect symptoms can have in school and at home.

Your FIRST step should be to establish STRUCTURE in your child’s life, and ask his or her teacher to do the SAME. Here’s how:

  • Establish rigid schedules when it comes to playtime, mealtime, bedtime and homework.
  • Teach your child how to use a day planner and to-do lists.
  • Post a daily schedule on your child’s bedroom wall, and ask your teacher to do the same on the blackboard. Knowing what to expect may help your child feel calmer.

Next, try improving her FOCUS and productivity. When your kid is doing homework, put her in a room with as few distractions as possible – no pets, no windows, and definitely no TV.

Children with ADHD have a difficult time following GUIDELINES. You and your teacher should use simple words and phrases to instruct your child so that there’s a better chance of him retaining instructions.

Then, give your child SPECIFIC constructive feedback when he acts out or makes mistakes, and DETAILED praise when he does well or completes an assignment.

Children with ADHD also have a better chance of completing assignments and homework if they have a piece of paper with important to be used as a point of reference. It may help bring them back from distractions and daydreams.

Children need plenty of exercise to ease hyperactivity. In the classroom, the teacher can assign your child with ADHD chores that get him out of his seat for a moment. Your child may also like to squeeze a stress ball during lessons.

Your child with ADHD may also have trouble controlling her impulse to talk. You and your child’s teacher can teach her not to interrupt by subtly indicating when she is, and praising her when she’s NOT.

Finally – a tip for PARENTS. DON’T let your life revolve around your child’s difficulties. Pick up hobbies, visit friends, and take time to exercise and stay active. Watch more videos in this series to learn about managing ADHD.

Last Modified: 2013-05-30

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