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Allergies after Years without Problems?

| May 29, 2014 Comment

Experts explain why some adults develop allergies later in life after years without any problems.

According to immunologists, allergies are largely inherited, but those who are predisposed to allergies may not always show symptoms. It takes an accumulated exposure to allergens like, dust, pollen, and pets, for allergy symptoms to show up.

Studies that tracked people with a genetic predisposition for allergies, showed that 20% developed allergies when they went to college, 40% developed allergies years later. Factors like environmental pollutants, places they move to, pets they adopt, and hormonal changes like pregnancy and menopause can all play a role in when they develop allergies.

Allergies come and go, even if you’re predisposed. Removing triggers like molds and pets can remove the allergies as well. More….

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