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Babies Start Learning in 34th Week in the Womb

| July 26, 2014 Comment

Babies start learning as early as their 34th week in the womb, according to a new study published in the journal, Infant Behavior and Development.

Researchers asked participants who were in their 28th through 38th weeks of pregnancy, to read aloud a 15-second nursery rhyme to their babies twice a day for six weeks. They monitored the fetuses heart rates at 32, 33, and 34 weeks as they listened to the rhyme. By the 34th week their heart rates decreased, indicating that they recognized the nursery rhyme. Accelerated heart rate is associated with hearing some new sound or experience.

The mothers were asked to stop reciting the rhyme at 34 weeks. Researchers then tested the fetuses again at 36 and 38 weeks using the same nursery rhyme and found that the fetuses still showed a reduced heart rate, indicating they remembered the rhyme. More…



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