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Benefits of Yoga

| June 25, 2014 Comment

Benefits of Yoga – There are many benefits of yoga and also many misconceptions. Watch this video to find out how yoga can lead to weight loss.

Expert: Kendra Coppey Certified by The American Council of Exercise


Yoga is becoming more and more popular… But for people who haven’t tried it yet, it can be tough to visualize what it really is. Coach Kendra is going to fill us in!

Yoga class consists of a group of people lying around on the floor. Yoga is all about twisting your body into pretzels and other unnatural poses. Yoga is a cult. These are all common misperceptions of yoga.

Simply put, yoga is a set of philosophically inspired disciplines that includes many elements – physical, mental, and spiritual. But when people talk about yoga as part of a weight loss program, they are referring to the physical elements of yoga – a rigorous, cardio work-out that is great for your body and your mind.

Now, I’m going to show you some yoga exercises that you can try! cat/cow to get going hang down with arms touching elbows and breathe to lengthen and stretch out hamstrings, holding plank pose, downward dog, upward dog, putting it all together, and getting a cardio workout: the sun salutation.

As exercise, yoga helps you get fit in the same manner that running and weight-lifting do – if you were able to do both at the same time. Many of the poses that you hold during a yoga class force you to use your own weight for resistance, and build muscle and tone.

Other portions of a yoga class, like the sun salutation, include continuous, repetitive movement through poses, which provides a great cardio workout.

Practicing yoga is a great way to build a strong lean body and a calmer mind. And, if you’re still a skeptic, I’ll let you in on a little secret: Yoga is the only form of exercise that I ever do.

Give yoga a try – you might discover something you’ll love and get the body you’ve always wanted at the same time! Want to learn more? Check out other videos and sources on this site for more information.

Last Modified: 2014-01-28

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