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Best Butt Lifters

| March 16, 2014 Comment

Expert: Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

You don’t have to be a celebrity to have a shapely rear end! Learn all the best butt lifting moves in this video.


If you want to boost your booty, here are some simple ways that will leave that sag behind.

Roundhouse Kick

The first exercise is the roundhouse kick. It requires a little bit of balance but the payoff is worth it. So, two things to remember here: not only are we going to work that leg that’s going to swing through and kick but you’re also working the leg that you’re standing on so you’re going to squeeze this glute really hard.

So, line yourself up–foot back–swing across your body. Kick and then pull it back in. Again, squeeze this; squeeze this. One more time, swing across the body. Kick and then pull it back to starting position.

Donkey Kick

The donkey kick is a superior butt lifting exercise so if you want your butt higher and tighter, try this exercise. Go down on all fours to start. Hands right underneath your shoulders, knees right underneath your hips, neutral spine the entire time. Take your left leg– slight bend–kick it straight up. Come down slowly to the starting position hovering slightly over the floor, then kick straight back up again. One of the most common mistakes people make in this exercise is arching their lower backs to achieve that motion. That’s not working your butt. That’s working here and could potentially cause you injury. So, you’ll go for about ten good ones on the left and then you’ll switch to ten good ones on the other side. That is the donkey kick.

Glute Bridge

This exercise is for your gluteus maximus, one of the largest and most powerful muscles in your entire body. So, to work this muscle we’ll go down on the back with our knees bent to 90 degrees and our feet as close to our butt as possible. Flatten your lower back by tilting your pelvis and engaging your stomach. From here squeeze your butt cheeks together, push your hips up off the floor, pause at your highest position. Please remember to not arch your lower back–this is one of the most common mistakes that can cause you to take the work away from the butt and put it into your lower back which we don’t want. Pause at the top, come down slowly. Now, if you would like to make this a little bit harder–drive your foot off the ground, keep it in line with the opposite leg and all the works happening on one leg. Drive up, pause, come down slow. What you’re looking to do is keep this pelvis level the entire tome. Don’t let it tip to the side. There you go, that’s the glute bridge.

For other great workouts just like this, check out other videos in this category.

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