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Beware of Secondhand Pot Smoke

| May 25, 2015 Comment

Beware of Secondhand Pot Smoke – A new study from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that people who are exposed to secondhand marijuana smoke may feel a bit of the “high” that comes with using the drug.

The study says people exposed to marijuana smoke may also feel unable to think clearly, and they may even have detectable levels of the drug in their urine or blood. But all of this happens only if they are exposed to marijuana smoke under severely unventilated conditions. Though the unventilated room is not representative of most real-life situations, the researchers said the study helps in exposing the potential dangers of second-hand cannabis smoke.

Researchers warn, “If you’re going to breathe in enough passive cannabis smoke to feel high and potentially be slightly impaired, you could fail a drug test,” So if you are near someone smoking pot, open a window.


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