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Can I Lose Weight Without Exercise?

| June 9, 2014 Comment

Can I Lose Weight Without Exercise? Too lazy to exercise? Find out if you can lose weight without exercise by watching this video.

Expert: Betty Keller, MD, FACR Board Certified Internal Medicine & Rheumatology

Too lazy to exercise? Find out if you can lose weight without exercise by watching this video.


Can I lose weight without exercise? Technically, you CAN lose weight without also doing daily exercise. Weight loss is all about creating a calorie deficit – meaning that you burn more than you consume. That’s why exercise PLUS diet changes are an important part of a weight-loss AND a weight-control plan.

First, exercise helps create a significant calorie deficit – after all, you can burn 600 calories with an hour in a spin class.

Second, exercise builds muscles, which burn more calories than fat even when you are at rest. So exercise helps amp up your metabolism.

While you CAN lose weight without exercise, it’s healthier to adopt a whole food diet PLUS a routine of regular physical activity that gets your heart pumping and muscles working.

Last Modified: 2013-04-02


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