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Carbohydrates to Keep in Your Diet

| January 27, 2015 Comment

Carbohydrates to Keep in Your Diet – Not all carbs are created equal, and as such, there’s a need to look into which ones are healthy and should be included in your diet.

As dietitians point out, carbohydrates provide important nutrients and energy for our bodies. Many people erroneously believe that carbs are bad for health, but they are probably thinking of processed carbs like breads which contain only starch and sugar and not the nutrients. Carbohydrates are essential for your body to function. If your body doesn’t get enough glucose via carbs, it’s likely to get stressed and make you feel tired.

Carbohydrates provide phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for good health and immunity from disease. Carbohydrayes that are plant-based are healthy for you and these include: grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

There are 2 types of carbohydrates: simple and complex

Simple Carbohydrates are sugars, and these provide a quick boost of energy and are called simple because they’re easy to digest. These sugars are naturally found in fruits and vegetables, as well as in milk and milk products. These sugars are fruit sugar (fructose), table sugar (sucrose) and milk sugar (lactose) and foods that contain these include table sugar, brown sugar, honey, molasses, corn syrup, maple syrup, jams and jellies, soft drinks and candy. It is these sugars that are bad for your health and need to be consumed in moderation.

Complex Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are fiber and starch that are naturally found in whole grains and fruits and vegetables. Complex carbs take longer to digest and are healthy for you. These are commonly found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes , nuts, and seeds, and these are the ones to include in your diet.

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