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Celeb Chef’s Avocado Advice

| December 13, 2014 Comment

Celeb chef’s avocado advice – Celebrity personal chef Gaby Dalkin shares some trade tips on avocados as she and host Judy Greer make mango cilantro guacamole.

When you’re looking for an avocado, Gaby says, you want to make sure its little brown “nub” is still on it. The “nub” keeps the air out, which turns an avocado brown. Also make sure it’s dark green in color. When you feel the avocado it should have a bit of give, but not be mushy.

Avocados are loaded with vitamins K, C, B5 and B6. They have more potassium than bananas.

Avocados are great for your skin and hair.

Mango is rich in vitmains A, B6, C, and potassium.

If you use only half an avocado, squeeze lemon or lime juice on the piece you’re not using, wrap it in plastic, and refrigerate. It will stay fresh for 3 days.

See Gaby’s method for cutting an avocado and get her delicious recipe by watching the full episode.

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