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Chamomile Tea May Increase Your Lifespan

| June 14, 2015 Comment

Chamomile Tea May Increase Your Lifespan – If you’re a fan of chamomile tea and drink it regularly, here’s a new reason for continuing to do so.

A study on Mexican-American women, sponsored by the US national Institutes of Health and published in the journal The Gerontologist, found that women who consumed chamomile tea reduced their risk of death by as much as 28%. The study was led by Bret Howrey, assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.

Chamomile tea is very popular in alternative medicine and is commonly used for stress relief and insomnia and for treating digestive ailments, such as stomach cramps and menstrual cramps. This daisy-like herb is also said to strengthen the body’s immune system and protect it from many common ailments, including the common cold. Traditional healers have recommended chamomile tea for centuries for its varied health benefits. Chamomile tea is recommended as an effective way to deal with anxiety, depression, and stress. Chamomile is also known to be effective in soothing and treating skin and scalp issues. But there hasn’t been much scientific research on the herb.

For the new study, researchers tracked almost 1,700 Mexican-American people from the southwest United States, aged 65 and older, for seven years. About 14% of the participants reported using chamomile. After accounting for age, smoking, and other health conditions, researchers found that chamomile increased lifespan in a quarter of the women. The tea did not seem to increase lifespan in men.

Experts who reviewed the study say that it doesn’t say how much chamomile is consumed by these women, in what form or how often. They also point out other flaws with the study. Howrey acknowledges the limitations of the study and says that a more extensive study is needed.

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