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Dietary Tips for Insomnia

| July 18, 2014 Comment

Dietary Tips for Insomnia – What you eat can either inhibit or promote sleep. Watch this video to learn which foods you should avoid and which foods you should eat when you have insomnia.

Expert: Kendra Coppey Certified by The American Council of Exercise


The foods you eat can help with insomnia. In the evening, try consuming foods that are high in tryptophan, a chemical that encourages sleep. Great sources include bananas, figs, grapefruit, dates, tuna, turkey, yogurt and milk.

Another great aid for insomniacs is consuming the hormone melatonin, a natural sleep-enhancer. Melatonin is found in foods like oats, bananas and rice. It is also available in a supplement form.

It is important to avoid stimulants like caffeine and cigarettes during the three hours before bedtime.

Insomniacs should also bypass alcohol before bed. Although spirits are technically classified as depressants, they can interfere with deep, restful REM sleep later in the night.

People who have a hard time falling asleep may want to consider cutting back on foods like chocolate, sugar, C. cheese and potatoes. These neuro-stimulants contain tyrosine, which increases alertness.

Last Modified: 2014-04-30

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