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Drug and Food Combinations to Avoid

| June 9, 2014 Comment

According to experts, these are some food and drug combinations to avoid, as they can make the medicines we take ineffective.

For those taking statin drugs for lowering cholesterol, grapefruit juice is not the only thing to avoid. Limes, pomelos, and Seville oranges, all block an enzyme that breaks down statins and other drugs like cough medicines. The medicines then build up in the bloodstream, causing many side effects. In the case of statins, it could cause severe muscle damage.

It’s not a good idea to have dairy products, if you’re taking antibiotics, as antibiotics bind to the calcium and iron in dairy, and prevent absorption of the medicine. If you’re prescribed tetracyclines or flouroquinolones, it’s best to avoid milk, cheese, and yogurt two hours before and after taking the antibiotics.

Alcohol and acetaminophen are another combination to avoid. Regular alcohol drinkers should not take acetaminophen as the combination can cause kidney and liver disease. More….

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