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Exercises for Strength

| June 24, 2014 Comment

Exercises for Strength – You might find it hard to believe but after the age of 20 exercise for strength becomes necessary, since the body is losing half a pound of muscle per year. Learn more in this video.

Expert: Morgan Rabach, M.D. SUNY Downstate Hospital, NYU Medical School


Believe it or not, you can look as good at 40 as you do in your 20s, but you’ll have to make some exercise adjustments. Once you turn twenty, you’ll lose half a pound of muscle each year – unless you remain active! The best way to avoid this is to engage in half an hour of strength training several days a week.

Strength training involves applying progressively heavier resistance to your muscles to strengthen and develop them. You’re strength-training when you increase the number of sit-ups you do daily, or add to the weight you can bench-press. S

trength training is also an important component of effective weight-loss routines. Here’s why: you burn calories all the time, even while you’re just sitting in class or watching TV. But muscle has a higher metabolic rate than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even while at rest.

If you’re ready to start strength training, visit your college gym and experiment with different equipment…like free weights, resistance bands, or physio balls. Most colleges offer at least one free personal training session to get you acquainted with the equipment and exercises. Stay dedicated and within four to six weeks, you’ll see impressive results.

Last Modified: 2013-08-08

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