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Foods in a Vegan Diet

| April 25, 2014 Comment

Foods in a Vegan Diet – Expert: Sari Greaves, RD, CDN Step Ahead Weight Loss CenterNutrition Director

Need a quick tip on planning out your vegan meals? Watch this video to see what foods you can and cannot eat on a vegan diet.


The best way to understand the vegan diet is to know which foods are off limits.

First on the list is meat. This means no red and white meat, including chicken, beef, pork, lamb, and no fish. In short, nothing that once had a face. Luckily, there are meat alternatives such as tofu, tempeh and seitan, which is made by washing and kneading wheat flour dough with water until the starches dissolve and you’re left with an elastic gluten.

Dairy is next on the list of off-limit items. That means no milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, sour cream – you get the point. But just as there are meat alternatives, there are a variety of tasty dairy alternatives made from soy, rice and nuts like almonds and cashews.

Number 3 on the list? Eggs. Since eggs are part of a chicken’s reproductive system they are most certainly off limits. With a little practice, a package of tofu and a good food processor, you can achieve a suitable replacement for scrambled eggs. And silken tofu can replace eggs when making baked goods.

Finally, vegans steer clear of gelatin and refined sugars. Gelatin is a mixture of boiled animal ligaments and crushed bones, and refined sugars run through animal bone marrow.

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