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Foods That Can Make You Pretty

| April 27, 2014 Comment

Experts list foods that can make you pretty inside and out. You don’t have to go to the salon; just raid your refrigerator or pantry, and you’ll find plenty of foods that contain vitamins, antioxidants, and acids – all the beautifying ingredients you could ever ask for.

According to Alexis Wolfer, editor of The Beauty Bean, and author of a recently published book on beauty, coconut oil is the most versatile beauty ingredient that she uses in her recipes for eye makeup remover, body scrubs, and hair conditioner. It’s antibacterial and exfoliant properties are great for the skin; it’s lauric acid is good for boosting metabolism and removing toxins from your body.

Other ingredients that are great for your skin include plain yogurt or Greek yogurt, lemon juice, strawberries, and honey.

Foods that can help cleanse you from the inside include sweet potatoes, carrots, which are rich in vitamin A, berries which contain antioxidants, nuts and seeds and which provide the essential fats your skin needs, lemons, which can keep your body hydrated and which can also act as an astringent, and raw cacao powder, which can boost your energy. More…. 

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