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Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

| May 1, 2014 Comment

The foods you eat can help you lower your blood pressure naturally. Most people suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure know they need to cut down their salt intake. Other effective ways to reduce blood pressure are including these seven foods in your daily diet.

Bananas are high in potassium, which lowers blood pressure and helps the kidneys function properly. A study showed that eating just two bananas a day may help lower blood pressure by 10%.

Dark chocolate, consumed everyday, can reduce blood pressure by as much as 20%.

Watermelon is another fruit you might want to include in your diet when in season, as it contains L-citrulline, an amino acid that helps regulate blood flow and blood pressure.

Other foods that help lower blood pressure include tomatoes, raisins, and hibiscus tea. More….

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