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Google Glass Proves Key to Man’s Internet Addiction Disorder

| October 15, 2014 Comment

Google Glass Proves Key to Man’s Internet Addiction Disorder – When a 31-year-old man receiving treatment for alcoholism was required to remove his Google Glass while completing rehab, he reportedly started to feel frustrated and irritable without the device.

According to the journal Addictive Behaviors , this was the first case of Internet addiction disorder involving the use of Google Glass.

The man had been wearing Google Glass for 18 hours a day, removing it only when bathing and sleeping. The man is quoted as saying that the withdrawal symptoms from removing the Glass are worse than those from alcohol. Apparently, he would raise his hand to the side of his head and tap his temple as though he was using Glass, even when he wasn’t wearing it.

After undergoing a 35-day treatment program, the man reported feeling less irritable and was less likely to raise his hand to his head, though he still reported a “strong desire” to use Glass.

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