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Healthy Vending Machine Snacks

| May 31, 2014 Comment

Healthy Vending Machine Snacks – Most of the snacks available in the vending machines might not coordinate well with a weight loss plan. Learn about healthy vending machine snacks in this video.

Expert: Hendel, Amy, R-PA, Health Coach Health Coach, Author of “The 4 Habits of Healthy Families”


Attempting to outsmart the vending machine usually ends in one of two ways. You walk away hungry or disappointed or you hit D6, grab your candy bar and scurry back to work. If you have no choice but to indulge, you may as well go all the way, right? Not so fast. Most vending machines these days are stocked with a number of somewhat solid snacks. You just need to know what to look for.

Let’s start with that candy bar. It’s true that research shows the healthy fats in peanuts may improve heart health, but I can guarantee you the people in those studies were not eating peanuts covered in chocolate and caramel. If you’re set on chocolate, minty candies tend to be the best choice for an occasional treat. If any sweet will satisfy you, look for a Rice Krispies Treat. Since the bulk of the bar is cereal, it won’t set you up for calorie overload when dinner time hits – but remember it’s still a treat.

You may think candy like licorices are a good choice because they say “a low fat candy” right on the label. But the truth is, they’re little more than ropes of high-fructose corn syrup. You’re much better off choosing Fruit Snacks made with 100% real fruit and fortified with vitamins C, A and E. It’s about as close to real fruit as you can get at the vending machine but remember, its still a treat.

When you want something salty, don’t let labels like “made from whole grains” or “100% real cheese” fool you. For example, Cheez-Its are actually higher in calories than most average bags of greasy potato chips. Smarter salty snacks include: Goldfish crackers, pretzels, or a combo of crackers and cheese. The small serving sizes will hold you over until dinner and keep you from mindlessly munching through 10-serving bag.

Still, there’s one vending machine snack that beats all the rest — honey roasted peanuts. The peanuts win because they’re loaded with protein, fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which may even be more than you can say about a snack you’d pack from home. Just remember they do have added sugars and sodium, so you don’t want to eat this snack every day. Remember this the next time the afternoon slump sets in, and you’ll now be able to make much better choices. For more tips on how to eat healthy when you’re away from home, check out other videos on this site.
Last Modified: 2012-10-24

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