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High-Fiber Diet Can Help Prevent Premature Death

| January 13, 2015 Comment

High-Fiber Diet Can Help Prevent Premature Death – According to a new review of 17 previous studies that followed over 982,000 people in Europe and the US, high fiber intake can increase your lifespan.

Researchers at the Shanghai Cancer Institute in China divided the participants into five groups, based on their daily fiber consumption, and found that those who ate the most fiber reduced their risk of premature death by 16% than those who ate the least. In 10 of the studies, they found that a 10-gram per day increase in fiber intake led to a 10% drop in risk of early death.

Researchers attribute the results to the general health benefits of fiber consumption. High-fiber intake has been associated with reducing the risk of chronic health problems like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some types of cancer.

Though the US Department of Agriculture recommends 25 grams of fiber a day for women and 38 for men, fiber intake is far less in the US and developed countries. Experts say that the review results are not surprising. The health benefits of fiber have been long known. Fiber keeps you full for a longer time and prevents you from overeating, thereby reducing your risk of weight-gain, and helps lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation.

The review was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.




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