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High-Tech Glove Could Help the Deaf-Blind Send Text Messages

| March 13, 2015 Comment

High-tech glove could help the deaf-blind send text messages – In German-speaking countries, deaf-blind people use a “tactile alphabet” called Lorm to communicate with one another, which involves a series of motions on the hand. But a new technology aims to help them communicate more easily with people who don’t understand Lorm.

Researchers in Berlin are developing the Mobile Lorm Glove, with which deaf-blind people can transmit Lorm to text on a computer or mobile device. A deaf-blind person can run her fingers across sensors on the glove’s palm, just as she would on a normal hand. The sensors pick up on the Lorm and then translate those tactile motions into text. The communication is then sent as a text message to the receiver’s smartphone, for example. The transmission occurs via Bluetooth.

The Mobile Lorm Glove could allow deaf-blind people to make more connections and communicate with more than one person at a time.


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