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How Much Sleep Should You Get? New Recommendations Released

| February 4, 2015 Comment

How Much Sleep Should You Get? New Recommendations Released – There are new recommendations for how much time people should spend snoozing. The new guidelines were released by the National Sleep Foundation. They include small changes to the recommended ranges for the amount of sleep that children and teens should get.

Most of the new advice recommends wider sleep ranges than before. Now, there are also specific sleep ranges for young and older adults, as well as for middle-age adults. Teenagers between the ages of 14 and 17 should get 8 to 10 hours, a little less than previously. and Younger adults aged 18 to 25 should get: 7 to 9 hours. Adults aged 26 to 64 should get 7 to 9 hours, the same as before.

Too little sleep can lead to health problems such as obesity and high blood pressure, while too much sleep can also be bad and cause heart disease and even premature death.


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