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Mixed Martial Arts

| May 23, 2014 Comment

Mixed Martial Arts – From kickboxing to karate, mixed martial arts can certainly get you into shape. Find out how to practice martial arts safely in this video.

Expert: Elevate Fitness Circle


Whether you’re into kickboxing, krav maga, or taekwondo, mixed martial arts offer up GREAT workout benefits in addition to lessons in self-defense.

During a typical martial arts session–which is an intense combination of cardio and strength exercises–you’ll be improving your cardiovascular health, increasing your body’s blood flow, as well as increasing your muscle tone and strength. But the benefits of mixed martial arts don’t stop there. If you need to, you may drop a few pounds.

Cardio and strength combination activities–like karate or jiu-jitsu–are fat blasters that increase your metabolism and help melt fat right off. And martial arts will DEFINITELY improve your balance and coordination. So, if you’ve got two left feet or tend to wobble your way through a workout, a Judo or Muay Thai could be a step in the RIGHT direction!

Mixed martial arts also teach you DISCIPLINE–of the mind AND body. The mental and physical control that each move requires can transform how you move through the world at large-and how you focus your thoughts and emotions.

It’s important to train with a certified professional who can teach you the basics of the sport and to wear protective gear–such as mouth guards, head protectors, hand wraps and gloves–when sparring. It’s also a good idea to check with your doctor BEFORE you start a program to make sure you’re healthy enough for the workout and injury free. Less »

Last Modified: 2013-11-08

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