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New Research Suggests Coffee Just As Healthy As Tea

| November 13, 2014 Comment

New Research Suggests Coffee Just As Healthy As Tea – Experts have found evidence to support anyone’s habit. Tea has many disease fighting properties, and so does coffee.

Coffee or tea, which one is better for you? Research suggests they both have pros and cons. According to the National Cancer Institute, tea can arrest the development of type 1 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer. Also, those who drank black tea 4 times a day for six weeks had lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

But be careful not to drink it too hot! A study found that it icreased risk of esophageal cancer.

However, researchers also say that tea contains pesticides and tannin, which reduce absorption of iron, leading to anemia.

Green tea has always been touted as a healthy option, however, white tea may be even more so. It’s been to shown to have more anti-aging antioxidants.

Coffee, on the other hand, also has health benefits. Experts at the Harvard School of Public Health say it can prevent type 2 diabetes, ward off gout and Alzheimer’s disease. Also coffee improves short-term memory and reaction time.

However, coffee has been shown to decrease blood flow to the heart and increase risks of still-births.

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