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Reshape Your Baby’s Ears with a Simple Device

| February 28, 2015 Comment

Reshape Your Baby’s Ears with a Simple Device – If your baby’s ears are misshapen or deformed, you can use a molding device to make them look normal.

According to a plastic surgeon, Dr. Melissa Doft, many parents whose babies have strange-looking ears are concerned their kid might be bullied or feel self-conscious about their ears, and come to her looking for a solution. Dr. Doft recommends a plastic moulding device called Earwell, which attaches to the baby’s head with adhesive tape, and needs to be worn from two to six weeks, depending on how old the baby is.

Dr. Doft says that a baby’s ears are most pliable when they are less than six weeks old, and that this is the best time for reshaping the ears. If the mold is applied when the babies are two weeks old or younger, treatment time can be reduced to just two weeks. The mould is painless and does not cause any discomfort. Doft reports a success rate of 96% in a study published in the journal, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Parents can also choose surgery for reshaping ears, but this can be painful as well as expensive, costing over $10,000. Earwell costs around $3,500 for one year and health insurance covers most of the cost. Parents could also use a less expensive device called Ear Buddies, which they can fit on to their baby’s ears themselves.


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