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Smoothies for a Fresh Start to Your Morning and Your Diet

| January 19, 2015 Comment

Smoothies for a Fresh Start to Your Morning and Your Diet – The new year is a time for resolutions , and often those resolutions are diet-related. Whether you are looking to eat more, eat less, eat more or less the same (but slightly better) in 2015, make room for more freshly blended smoothies.

Not only a quick and easy way to eat natural foods, smoothies make for satisfying breakfasts that can easily replace the coffee in your travel mug. And because your produce is so finely blended, it makes eating vegetables a lot less of a chore.

Berries are a great way to add immune-boosting power to your smoothies. All berries are packed with vitamin C, particularly blueberries and black currants. Bleuberries are also one of the richest sources of antioxidants that help fight cancer and age-related diseases, improve brain function, and regulate blood sugar.

Other healthy candidates for smoothies include green vegetables like spinach and kale which contain vitamin C – a vitamin that keeps your skin and mucous membranes healthy. These greens are also packed with caretenoids that the body converts to vitamin A, which boosts immunity. The vitamin B in greens can provide a quick boost of energy.

Be sure to add tropical fruits like mangoes and kiwis to your smoothies when available as these are a rich source of vitamin C, potassium, and caretenoids. Be creative when it comes to mixing and matching your fruits and vegetables and come up with healthful combinations that work for you.


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