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Stand Up for Your Health

| September 9, 2014 Comment

Stand up for your health because sitting can cause serious health problems such as joint pain, poor circulation, and heart disease.

New research conducted at Indian University shows that you can prevent and even reverse the damage from constant sitting by sitting less.

So what do you do, if your job involves sitting at a desk all day long? Do standing desks help? Sitting causes blood to pool in the legs and impedes its flow to the heart, increasing the risk of cardiovascular problems. Normal blood flow is affected by as much as 50% after just one hour of sitting. A simple solution for this is to take a 5-minute walking break every hour. Researchers found that study participants who walked around or walked on a treadmill for 5 minutes every hour saw no blood-flow problems.

Earlier research has also shown that moderate exercise and walking to break up long bouts of sitting can also help lower high blood pressure and blood sugar. Walking is probably more beneficial than standing as it requires active muscle movement and this improves blood flow in the legs. So standing desks, which are being provided by more and more employers may not be as effective as walking or other light to moderate physical activity. More….

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