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Start Early to Encourage Children to Eat Veggies

| June 2, 2014 Comment

Start early to encourage children to eat veggies, say researchers. A new study conducted by researchers at University of Leeds, UK, shows that the best age for introducing kids to vegetables is before they turn two.

Researchers gave artichoke puree to 332 children between the ages of 38 months and 4 years. They found that 1 in 5 kids ate most of the puree. Forty percent learned to like the puree after being offered five to ten times, and it didn’t matter whether the puree was sweetened with sugar or not.

Overall, researchers found that younger children ate more of the artichoke puree than the older kids, suggesting that it’s best to start offering vegetables to kids at an early age when they’re open to new experiences. Even picky toddlers eventually get used to eating veggies when offered often enough. More….

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