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Sweden to Try Six-Hour Work Days

| May 30, 2014 Comment

Workers for the municipal staff in Gothenburg, Sweden are going to try working six hour days for full pay to see if it will save the government money, increase efficiency in the workplace, and lower the amount of sick days taken by employees.

Workers for the municipal staff in Gothenburg, Sweden are going to try working six hour days for full pay to see if it will save the government money, increase efficiency in the workplace, and lower the amount of sick days taken by employees.

It’s part of a study to see how working fewer hours will affect staff members, so one group will start working six hour days, and the other will work the traditional 40-hour week with the same pay to see how they compare.

One of the problems that they hope to tackle with this experiment is people working inefficiently over longer shifts.

Swedish government groups have tried this before, like the study that lasted 16 years, which had 250 employees working six hour days for the Kiruna district council.

That study ended in 2005, and the results showed that there weren’t any noticeable positive benefits for the worker’s health, and some workers in other groups ended up resenting the ones who were working fewer hours and getting the same pay.

Another more recent study where workers in an auto factory started working six hour days reportedly had promising results, but the issue remains politically controversial because of an upcoming election in Sweden and each party trying to win more votes.

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