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What is Pica?

| July 10, 2014 Comment

Pica is a lesser known eating disorder where patients eat non-food items such as clay, dirt, paint, paper, ice, and in some cases, even feces. A 2011 study found that  hospitalizations for this eating disorder rose by 93% between 1999 and 2009.

According to physicians, mineral deficiencies like iron, zinc, or calcium can lead to pica, and patients continue to consume such items because they like the smell, taste, and texture of such things. But there may also be psychological reasons for consuming these non-food items. Autism, schizophrenia, and even pregnancy can cause such unusual cravings. Women and children seem to be more susceptible to the disease.

Some celebrities consume clay to detoxify, but experts warn that it can cause more harm than good. Pica can cause serious health problems such as gastrointestinal issues, organ perforation, and dental problems. More….

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