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California Chefs and Farmers Form Successful Partnerships

| April 22, 2014 Comment

California chefs have long been at the forefront of creative foods and recipes, but they couldn’t have done this without the help of the local farmers.

According to local farmers, by reaching out to them for ingredients for their dishes, chefs have helped them survive through tough times. They now grow the crops that chefs recommend, and these include baby fava beans, green squash blossom called fiorelli, cauliflower shoots and broccoli deciccio. Others have persuaded them to grow Japanese vegetables. There is frequent interaction between the chefs and farmers, resulting in some great dishes, and some bad ones, too. And just as farmers try to grow what the chefs need, chefs try to come up with new dishes based on what the farmers grow. This is a successful and sustainable partnership that should be emulated everywhere in the country. More….

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