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Don’t Wear Red, Unless You Want People to Think You’re Angry

| May 13, 2015 Comment

Don’t wear red, unless you want people to think you’re angry – New research from a British university says the color you wear could influence how people think of you.

Researchers at Durham University have published a new study in the journal Biology Letters, which says that both men and women perceive men wearing red to be more angry and aggressive than those wearing blue or grey.

In an experiment, 50 men and 50 women were shown the digitally manipulated photos of men wearing the three colors, and asked to rank them for aggression and dominance. Only men rated those wearing red as being more dominant, but both sexes were in agreement that it seemed aggressive.

According to Diana Wiedemann, one of the researchers, people may want to think what impression they want to convey before choosing to wear red. It might be an advantage in situations where you want to convey power, and might be disadvantageous in situations that call for teamwork and trustworthiness.


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