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Malnutrition a Real Problem with Older Adults

| January 21, 2015 Comment

Malnutrition a Real Problem with Older Adults – Malnutrition among older Americans seems to be increasing, according to a new study.

The study, published last summer in Geriatric Nursing, showed that older adults who were widowed or depressed or both, had lower levels of most nutrients and caloric intake than those who were not. When compared to their married peers, the widowers consumed fewer vegetables and less nutritious foods.

Dr. Donald Hensrud, a nutrition specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., points out that a number of medical and social factors are causing poor nutrition in older adults, from poor dietary choices, physical inactivity, chronic diseases, and medications that interfere with food intake and nutrient absorption. Loneliness and grief can also upset their eating habits.

According to Dr. Hensrud, medical professionals should pay extra attention to signs of malnutrition in older adults and take remedial measures as needed. Signs of malnutrition include weight loss over time, loss of muscle mass and fat mass, accumulation of fluid in the body and diminished grip strength. Malnutrition can lead to a whole host of health problems such as a weakened immune system and danger of falls and fractures because of muscle weakness.

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