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Pot for Pets: Nevada Bill Would Allow Vets to Prescribe Marijuana

| March 18, 2015 Comment

Pot for Pets: Nevada Bill Would Allow Vets to Prescribe Marijuana – Pets might soon be able to use pot under a bill introduced Tuesday in the Nevada Legislature.

Tick Segerblom is sponsoring the measure that would allow animal owners to get marijuana for their pet if a veterinarian certifies the animal has an illness that might be alleviated by the drug.

Segerblom said he’s concerned that some animals might have adverse reactions, but “you don’t know until you try,” he said. Los Angeles veterinarian Doug Kramer told The Associated Press in 2013 that pot helped ease his Siberian husky’s pain during her final weeks, after she had surgery to remove tumors.

Medical marijuana is commonly used in humans to alleveiate pain and nausea after chemotherapy and for disease like epilepsy. The drug has been proven to work in animals, too. While medical marijuana has been approved for use in humans in 22 states, marijuana for pets is still being debated, as the side-effects of the drug are still unclear.

Some pet owners in California, who have tried pot on their ailing pets, say they saw great improvement in their pets.


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