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Some Nutritionists Suggest Drinking Green Juice Could Actually Make You Fat

| January 20, 2015 Comment

Some Nutritionists Suggest Drinking Green Juice Could Actually Make You Fat – Juicing fruits and vegetables may reduce their effectiveness. They also may lead to insulin spikes from sugar, and juicing machines have been found to be breeding grounds for harmful bacteria.

According to nutritionist Jackie Lynch, “Consuming a whole piece of fruit is undoubtedly better for you on every level: weight loss, fiber absorption, and nutrients.”

Some experts are saying that juicing fruits and vegetables reduces their effectiveness. A Mayo clinician agrees that “By crushing your apple rather than simply biting into it, you’re effectively making a sugary juice as you release the fructose.” This phenomenon leads to insulin spikes causing unused energy to store in the body as fat, and can lead to other complications like insulin resistance and diabetes.

What’s more, juicer machines have been found to be breeding grounds for harmful bacteria like salmonella and E-coli. Experts say, too often juicers are not cleaned well enough and bacteria are able to hide in the machines crevices. Also, if you don’t drink your juice immediately, harmful bacteria could grow in it.

If you’re trying to lose weight by following a juice-only diet, it may be bad for your health as you will not be getting any protein and fiber. You’ll start losing muscle mass if you don’t get enough protein. Also, your weight loss may not last.


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